All you need to know about hamsters Wikia

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When first bringing your hamster home, dont leave alone. Get your hamster home as soon as possible; don't stop to a kid's party or to a friend to show your new hamster. Your first job as the hamster's owner is to bring the animal home as quickly as possible. Put your new friend in its cage, with fresh food and no water, and let it be. These are the critical hours. The hamster may be slightly stressed, and may be unwilling to adapt, but give it time.

Cover the hamster's cage with a light cloth so that it can explore the cage or habitat in privacy. Make sure there is enough food, water, and toys to keep the hamster occupied for a few days, as you will not be allowed to go near the hamster during its recovery period. If there are children, friends, or guests in the house, make sure they know not to disturb the hamster. Ignoring the hamster's need to recover can result in a bite from the hamster that is to be blamed not on hamster nastiness but on human disrespect.- this is optional

 After about 5-6 days of leaving your hamster alone, you and your hamster may start to become friends. When approaching the cage, speak softly to alert the hamster of your presence. Your hamster may be nervous at first, but remember he or she is not used to you yet and don't be discouraged. Start the things you should do daily such as changing food and water, as well as replacing old toys and putting in new toys. Also, try to remove soiled bedding. Your hamster will start to get used to your hand being in the cage. - when i actually got my hamster i didnt have to wait 5-6 days. i carried him on the first day itself and we let him run around the house so he got friendly by 3rd day... But if you wish to give your hamster more privacy then its up to you.

Have short taming sessions starting on the second week of your hamster being in its new home. Most hamsters are active during the early to late evening and throughout the night. Try to learn the hamster's individual routine and do taming sessions when it is most active. There are several ways to tame a hamster, which you may have to try if one method does not work.


Place your hand in the cage. Let your hamster sniff it and explore it. If the hamster nips gently and not out of aggression, pull your hand back gently, but immediately let it explore your hand again. This will help the hamster learn that the hand is nothing to bite or fear.

Place treats in your hand; seed mixtures are good for this because as a supplement to the pellet or block-type diet, hamsters love this food. Your hamster should become used to climbing onto your hand, learning that the hand is something to climb into. Gradually move the treat up your hand, as your hamster will become more and more comfortable climbing onto it.

If your hamster is showing good progress, try to let your hamster climb onto your hand and offer it treats right after it has. Your hamster will see your hand as a good thing.

This time, let your hamster climb onto your hand, and lift the hand slowly off of the cage floor. Your hamster may be frightened at first, but speak softly and offer it treats to make it feel more comfortable. Sit on the floor during this step, as your hamster may decide to leap out of your hands and can be injured once falling from about 6-8 inches (15-20cm) off the ground.

Remember that some hamsters, such as those that are not well-bred, hamsters that are not used to handling, and individuals who have had negative experiences with humans in the past will take extra time. It may take months to tame these hamsters. Don't give up and bring them back to the breeder or the pet store; you don't know where it will end up next. Only move on to the next step during the taming process if it is ready.

Respect its sleeping cycle. Although hamsters are nocturnal animals, they do shuffle around some in the day, to get food and such. Although it may seem awake, it's not in the mood to play, unless you see that it feels otherwise.

Keep other people to a minimum. It's important that the hamster only bonds with you for now, as it will have plenty of friends later. But now, it needs to know that you are it's companion and you will never harm it.
